Back in the days of Counter-Strike 1.6, Nuke was considered the most ‘cardboard’ map of all, with lots of surfaces being pretty thin so players could easily shoot through them. Things are different in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: there are much fewer wallbangs on Nuke in CS:GO. Nevertheless, many people needed a guide on Nuke wallbangs, so CS.MONEY Blog displays all functional wallbangs on Nuke in one place.
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All Nuke wallbangs listed below are available through IMGUR. So you just click on the arrows on the slides to browse. By the way, we also wrote about all the wallbangs of Overpass, so you can look at that too.
Plant В Default Wallbang
Players from the attacking side tend to plant C4 at B just a little to the side from the ramp. You can easily wallbang this point from Plant A. To do this, find a sun spot on the floor, move slightly to the right and aim at the floor. After that, just burst into the enemies!
Plant A Default Wallbang
Plant A default C4 position is reachable from below. Find the ventilation grate above the Plant B stairs, and then start shooting at the area between the yellow beam and the ventilation grate. This way, you kill or damage the player trying to set the C4 at Plant A.
Wallbang To Heaven’s Corner
You can control the entrance from Heaven to Plant A with this Nuke wallbang. First, take your position on the ramp. Stand in the corner, aim at the highest grate on the opposite wall and move your sight a little to the left until you see the ledge on the wall. After that, just shoot! If anyone tries to run through, they will receive severe damage.
My wallbangs don’t do damage. Why?
So, you’re already testing Nuke wallbangs, but for some reason, you can’t deal damage through the walls? Even perfect aim causes no damage, or it’s just too low. There’s one good explanation: some guns are better for wallbangs than others. For example, if you perform the above-mentioned B Plant Default Wallbang with a Deagle, you will do roughly 8 damage per hit. Therefore, you need to know which guns are best for wallbangs. Here they are: AWP, R8 Revolver, SCAR-20, G3SG1 and SSG 08. Each shot from these weapons best for wallbangs deals more than 80 damage! So even if your enemy is behind cover, they might take a significant amount of damage.
Lobby Entrance Wallbang
The Defence can shoot through the door near the stairs on the lobby’s roof. To do this, you need to leave Heaven and stand in a corner near the first ledge. Then, aim at the middle window and start shooting at the joint between the second and third windows. This way you can prevent silly Rushes even before they might annoy your team!
Wallbang To Heaven #1
The previous wallbang can also be executed in the opposite direction. Climb to the lobby’s roof, stand close to the large iron thing, turn towards the windows, raise the scope and aim at the door handle. Next, start shooting at the windows above the yellow handrail. Well done!
Wallbang to Heaven #2
This is a trickshot wallbang people rarely try to perform on Nuke. To complete it, find two pipes on the roof, jump on them and climb a little. Climb not too high, though, because you will immediately slide down. After getting into the spot, turn towards the windows and aim at the mark under the second window. This way, you will be able to shoot through the corner at Heaven’s entrance. You can also wallbang Heaven itself. To do this, just move your sight to the right.
Main’s Corner Wallbang
Main is a tiny room that connects Street with Plant A. Its roof is penetrable, and the easiest way to wallbang Main on Nuke is to shoot at it from the Silo. Climbed onto Silo, stand in the corner and aim approximately at the Main’s middle along the wall.
Plant A Hut Wallbang
Plant A’s Defenders often climb onto the hut’s roof. You can wallbang the incoming Attackers from this position to prevent rushes or just cover your teammates. Just move to the edge of the roof and start shooting at the area between the cables, just as in the image above. By the way, you can also rest against the wall here and shoot straight down: this will allow you to suppress or even kill the Attackers who have already entered the hut.
Nuke Lobby Wallbangs
Players on Ramp can wallbang in Lobby. Go to the corner near the glass wall and aim at the wall with awards. Aim at the darkest award on the left, start shooting, and voila! Your bullets will reach Hut!
You can also damage enemies at Blue from the same position. To do this, aim at the lamp on the left, raise your sight and move it slightly to the right.
Another Lobby Wallbang
At the very beginning of a round, you can deal damage to Attackers who are moving towards Plant A. Stand near the ventilation grate, find the switch on the wall nearby and aim at it. Next, move your sight to the door at the same level and make several bursts. This orange door is pretty breachable, so even machine guns could do it; moreover, it can withstand a couple of bursts before holes appear.
And that’s it! All Nuke wallbangs in one place with graphics and screenshots. But we have even more guides to almost everything regarding CS:GO at CS.MONEY Blog! For example, this is how you can know how much your inventory is worth, and here’s a guide to made training in CS:GO.