Big CS:GO update: Dust 2 changed, M4A1-S buffed, Deagle nerfed


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive received a big update. New operation, agents, modifications to the most iconic map, and even something unbelievable: the Deagle getting nerfed. The CS.MONEY Blog is here to cover the key things about the huge latest patch.

Operation Riptide

A new operation called Riptide has begun with a usual battle pass and a rewards store. It also features many skins and items, and namely:

  • 21 agents;
  • 14 operation stickers;
  • 72 Surf Shop stickers;
  • 5 new skin collections and a new case.

The update features new skins galore! There’s even a golden AK. This operation boasts the most novelties ever. So everyone can find a weapon look to their liking. Good job, Valve.

Quick matches

All players can now create matches for their own companies of friends. To this end, simply generate a special code and share it with your friends. Everyone who has the code will be able to join your game in Premier mode on Valve servers. You can also create a code for Steam Groups. 

Competitive mode now has a new option: Short Competitive. Instead of the regular 30-round match, we can now play 16 rounds. Each player can select which type of match they wish to join. You can choose a short match and a regular match — or you can search for both. On average, a short match lasts around 25 minutes. 

Deathmatch mode now exists in three versions. First, there’s the Classic one, which has always been there. Second, there’s Team Deathmatch, where the team that scores 100 frags first wins. The third format is FFA — free for all.

In Demolition mode, there are 10 rounds and there’s no side swap. Also, the weapon progression was adjusted. In Arms Race mode, the process of getting new guns was changed as well. Besides, the player now gets a First Aid Kit for three consecutive frags. 

Gameplay & balance changes

The update also changed three guns at once. Let’s start off with the simplest one: Dual Berettas have become $100 cheaper and now cost only $300.

Desert Eagle Ocean Drive

The damage per shot of the Desert Eagle has been reduced from 63 to 53. At the same time, the damage at range was decreased. But the Deagle can still kill with two shots to the body in Kevlar. However, to make a frag, you must make at least one hit in the chest and one in the stomach — or, alternatively, two in the stomach. Nevertheless, two shots to the chest won’t make the opponent respawn.

Finally, M4A1-S now deals 38 damage instead of 33. This gun now always kills with 4 shots. Notably, you can’t kill with one single headshot. That’s because the headshot damage multiplier for the weapon has been reduced from standard 4 to 3.475. As a result, the headshot damage remained unchanged.

s1mple on dropping nades

You can now drop grenades as well! But don’t forget that you can only purchase a limited amount of nades per round. So, for example, you won’t be able to buy a dozen flashbangs and drop them under your feet. We’ll see what tricks pros can come up with under the new conditions after the update. 

Dust 2 & other maps updated

After decades of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the legendary map Dust 2 has undergone changes. And these aren’t just minor tweaks, like opening the roof over the tunnels. No, the devs have closed the view from T spawn to the double doors in the center of the map. From now on, you won’t be able to frag that defender dashing towards the B Site using a sniper rifle.

Credit: u/Mraz565

CS:GO developers made the gate at the top of banana on Inferno solid and changed the arena for 1v1 Warmup mode. On Ancient, they increased both plantable areas, fixed the wallbangs, and optimized the map.

They also made some changes to the map pool:

  • removed Grind, Mocha, Pitstop, Calavera, and Frostbite from the game;
  • added County to Danger Zone mode;
  • added Basalt and Insertion II to Competitive, default, and Deathmatch modes;
  • Ravine and Extraction are now available in Wingman mode.

Oh yes, you can now buy a shield in Casual Hostage map groups. So, should we expect Office played in Majors?




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