Seven Most Popular Skins 2023 Ranked


According to statistics, the most popular weapons in CS:GO are AK-47, M4A1-S, AWP, USP-S and Glock in descending order. Seems logical: main automatic rifles for both sides, a primary sniper rifle, and basic pistols. However, according to the latest information from CS.MONEY Blog, there are no skins for M4A1-S among the most popular skins in 2023! So which skins will be the most popular in 2023? We prepared a ranked list of the seven best and most popular skins in CS:GO: some are easy to guess, but some will surprise you!

most popular skins 2023 csgo

All these skins are available on CS.MONEY Trade in one click via banners, skin names or the corresponding button. Do you want to keep up with fashion? Click to buy cheap & easy!

AK-47 The Empress, most popular skin of 2023

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AK-47 The Empress is genuinely the monarch of all CS:GO skins, not just the most popular csgo skin of 2023. This beauty costs from $30, but every coin spent is worth it: this beautiful royal lady will become your companion, observing with pleasure how you deal with your opponents.

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Price chart for AK-47 The Empress in 2023.
Price chart for AK-47 The Empress in 2023.

AWP Hyper Beast, most popular AWP skin

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Bright, formidable, deadly: a brief description of the most popular skin for AWP, the Hyper Beast. This colourful design is a frequent guest in CS:GO pubs, and not even on the AWP itself because the game has a whole series of Hyper Beast skins. And although its prices start at 20 dollars, we advise you to take at least WW for $30, and even better, FT for $40, so that wear won’t affect the image much.

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Price charts for AWP Hyper Beast in 2023.
Price charts for AWP Hyper Beast in 2023.

Desert Eagle Printstream, most popular Deagle skin

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The Prinstream family is also very popular among CS:GO players. Printstreams became one of the first white skins in the game, and, at the same time, they’re not just a boring canvas: these skins force you to peer into the details. In addition, Desert Eagle Printstream is an excellent base for holo stickers, and it hardly changes with a high float!

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Price charts for Desert Eagle Printstream in 2023.
Price charts for Desert Eagle Printstream in 2023.

USP-S Printstream, most popular USP skin

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Two Printstreams in a row hint at how popular this series is. Of course, USP-S Printstream’s price is considerable but quickly pays back with emotions. In addition, since this is the most popular skin in 2023 for the basic CT pistol, you will see this gun much more often than, for example, a Deagle. Once again, the high float has almost no effect on its visual quality.

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Price chart for USP-S Printstream in 2023.
Price chart for USP-S Printstream in 2023.

USP-S Kill Confirmed, beautiful USP skin 2023

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It’s even a little odd that USP-S Kill Confirmed is not the most popular CS:GO skin in 2023 because many players, including esports athletes, use it. Its fantastic design, though, is its biggest weak side: you don’t really want to apply stickers above it.

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Price chart for USP-S Kill Confirmed in 2023.
Price charts for USP-S Kill Confirmed in 2023.

AK-47 Aquamarine Revenge, popular AK skin

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AK-47 Aquamarine Revenge is quite a popular skin in 2023 among CS:GO players. It’s astonishing, yet not very catchy. And its unusual pattern with dolphins attracts attention. Moreover, AR is not very expensive, starting from $25 for a high-floated piece. It also won’t wear out with high float, which makes it even better!

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Price charts for AK-47 Aquamarine Revenge in 2023.
Price charts for AK-47 Aquamarine Revenge in 2023.

AWP Redline, best AWP craft base

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An iconic AWP skin. AWP Redline went through fire, ice, and the announcement of CS2 and still remains among the most popular skins in CS:GO in 2023, hitting top ranks in lists. Why? It costs not much, it’s a superb base for crafting, has a simple and aggressive design (black and red, like a bullet and blood). What else do you need?

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Price charts for AWP Redline in 2023.
Price charts for AWP Redline in 2023.

Here you go, the list of the best and most popular skins in CS:GO in 2023! Our top seven are two AKs, two USPs, two AWPs and a Deagle. Surprisingly, not a single Glock or M4A1-S. Well, maybe by the end of the year, the list will expand with skins for these two weapons.

Fancy one of the beauties above? You can always click on a name, button or banner to buy them quickly and cheaply at CS.MONEY Trade.




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