Mobil uygulama

Eşya sınıfı


Çok Gizli

Aşınma sınırları

collection_iconThe Prisma 2 Collection
case_iconPrisma 2 Case

Minimum fiyat

$ 0
Benzer eşyalar
StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Bullet Queen (Minimal Wear)
$ 54.67

Glock-18 | Bullet Queen

Hakkında Glock-18 | Bullet Queen

Tarafİki taraf
Vücut hasarı37 / 17
Kafa hasarı118 / 55
Öldürme ödülü$ 300 / $ 150
Şarjör kapasitesi20 / 120
Oyun içi fiyatı$ 200
Doğruluk aralığı20 m
Atış hızı400 atış/dk
Koşu hızı240

Skin history

Glock-18 | Bullet Queen by 2Minds appeared in CS:GO on March 31, 2020. The skin is contained in the Prisma 2 Case that was added to the shooter in the “Clearing Out the Cobwebs” update.

Pattern features

The skin is remarkable for an image of a blue-eyed girl on the handle, winking with her left eye and putting a finger to her lips. A crown is visible above her hair, which is styled in two bunches. The girl is surrounded by numerous five-pointed stars and bullets with wicked faces (one of them has a turquoise tongue sticking out). The general background of the skin consists of yellow, black, and white colors.

Effect of float

Float Value of Glock-18 | Bullet Queen can vary between 0.00 and 1.00, allowing the skin to be obtainable in any exterior quality category. As the float value increases, the gun darkens, and the paint on its edges is erased, but this does not spoil the integrity of the picture.

Rarity and popularity

Glock-18 | Bullet Queen belongs to the “Covert” rarity grade and is available with the StatTrak kill counter. The skin is popular among CS:GO players.


Eşya sınıfı


Çok Gizli

Aşınma sınırları

collection_iconThe Prisma 2 Collection
case_iconPrisma 2 Case

Minimum fiyat

$ 0
Benzer eşyalar

Glock-18 | Bullet Queen

Skin hakkında

Hakkında Glock-18 | Bullet Queen