How does the "Buy" section work on Market?
The Buy page is an item store, where you can buy skins using your Market balance. First, you need to top up your balance using one of the available payment methods. Then you can add items to a cart and make a purchase.
All items are offered by other users and purchase process is based on P2P technology: seller delivers the item directly to the buyer, and  CS.MONEY guarantees the transaction security.
What benefits do I get when I buy items on the Market?
The balance on the Market mode is equal to real money.
Items do not have a trade hold.
You can find unique items that are not available in Trade section.
You can cancel your purchase after 30 minutes if the seller has not sent a trade offer.
How do I buy an item on the Market?
1. First, top up your Market balance by clicking the "+" at the top of the page:
2. Pick the item you want to buy and wait for confirmation from the seller. Click the bell at the top to check the purchase status:
3. Click the bell at the top to check the purchase status. You’ll be able to cancel the deal in 30 minutes since you made a purchase:
4. Accept the trade in Steam application:
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