Every Rank in Deadlock: From Best to Worst


The ranked mode in Deadlock appeared quite recently, and those who want to show the world their skill can dive into the game (in their free time from Counter-Strike 2, of course). Today, CS.MONEY Blog will show you all Deadlock ranks, name the best and worst of them, and talk about the medals in the game.

all ranks in deadlock listed top worst

Deadlock is in a fairly early stage of development, with the release still far away, meaning the game won’t fully reveal its potential any time soon. The emotions from playing Counter-Strike 2 are much brighter, especially since it already has colorful skins. CS.MONEY can help you build your ideal inventory.

Deadlock ranked rules

The ranked mode in Deadlock is only available at specific times. On weekdays, the window is 6 hours, and on weekends, it’s 11. After a player completes seven ranked matches in a week, they receive a medal. The medal is awarded late Tuesday evening, after which the cycle starts over. This system allows players to better understand their skill level.

In each match, players only face opponents from the same group, meaning everyone has the same medals.

All Deadlock ranks from best to worst

There are eleven ranks in Deadlock. Each rank has its own medal and is divided into six subgroups. Subgroup I is the lowest, and losing there can result in a class downgrade. Subgroup VI is the highest.

Deadlock ranks listed

Here’s a list of all medals and ranks in Deadlock, first is the best, last is the worst:

  1. Eternus
  2. Ascendant
  3. Phantom
  4. Oracle
  5. Archon
  6. Emissary
  7. Ritualist
  8. Arcanist
  9. Alchemist
  10. Seeker
  11. Initiate

Until you’ve completed seven matches, the system gives you a temporary rating called “Obscurus,” which disappears once calibration is done. You can also view the history of medals across different weeks. This helps you track your progress.

Best Rank of all in Deadlock?

According to Tracklock.

The highest rank in Deadlock is Eternus, held by only half a percent of players. You could say that Eternus is a very elite rank. For example, the Ascendant rank is given to the top five percent of players. The median rank in the game is Archon II. This means half of the players play better, and half play worse.

The distribution is likely to change and be adjusted, but these are the guidelines based on the first week’s results, and no other data is available yet.

Valve developers are actively working on Deadlock, and following the game’s development is quite engaging. The company has not mentioned a potential release date, so for now, we enjoy the closed beta, which is, by the way, relatively easy to get into.




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