Workshop highlights: August 2021


A spider in a jar, an 80s computer, and 19th-century prisons — all kinds of things can serve as inspiration for Workshop artists! The CS.MONEY Blog gathered the five most outstanding weapon finishes from the Workshop that appeared this month. 

M4A1-S Panopticon Red

At the end of the 18th century, English philosopher Jeremy Bentham published the concept of prison with one single guard. In his project, the prison resembled a cylinder. The idea was that one guard was able to observe each prisoner from its center. 

Jeremy Bentham believed this design to inspire a feeling of constant control and supervision. Not a particularly pleasant sensation, is it? This was exactly what inspired 2Minds to create Panopticon. The design features dozens of eyes, permanently watching everything around them. Badass but really creepy.

AK-47 Hound

What happens if you mix AWP Containment Breach with M4A4 Howl and then spread the resulting potion on the AK-47? This experiment would likely produce something like AK-47 Hound. And this result is nothing short of awesome! Shades of orange in the background, a scary, tattered monster face on the buttstock and above the grip — this skin could well become one of the top 10 entries at the Dreams & Nightmares contest.

FAMAS The Thing in a glass vessel

Not too long ago, skins with pseudo-transparency were added to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. For instance, Glock-18 Clear Polymer. This gun looks amazing and is understandably popular among the players. That’s why the emergence of other pseudo-transparent finishes in the workshop was only a matter of time. 

One such skin that would make a great addition to the game is FAMAS The Thing in a glass vessel. The artist tried to turn a French assault rifle into a jar with a spider. And he succeeded. Of course, the work still needs polishing to lend the image more volume and depth, but the item looks very realistic even as it is.


Wow, these first three skins are genuinely macabre. How about we switch the mood and check out something a bit more cheerful? Like AK-47 DREAMLAND DRAGON. The look is executed in blue and white with occasional splashes of yellow. The image of the dragon is funny, but it fits in perfectly. 

Oddly enough, there hasn’t been a single AK-47 skin with a dragon in the game! Valve, don’t you think now’s the time? 

M4A1-S ZX Spectron

In the early 80s, British company Sinclair Research released the ZX Spectrum computer. It was an extremely stylish thing in a minimalistic rectangular casing, either in black or white. The decorations included red, yellow, green, and blue stripes in the corner of the front panel. 

That’s a decent source of inspiration for an M4A1-S skin, right? And the result is simply gorgeous. It literally emanates juicy retro vibes. The artist created two versions of the item: in black and white. We liked the black M4A1-S ZX Spectron better — and what do you think? Share your opinion in the comments under this post!




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